We conduct credit screening on users of equipment on behalf of manufacturers and dealers, provide diverse financing, and promote equipment sales. In addition, we offer users benefits such as reducing initial costs and outsourcing administrative work associated with ownership.

For manufacturers and dealers
1. Sales promotion
By adding financing to sales, it can be used as one effective sales promotion method.
2. Credit risk reduction
By shifting credit risk to the leasing company, secure collection of accounts receivable can be achieved
3. Optimization of product lifecycle
You can easily determine when it is time to replace a product.
1. Diversification of financing
Equipment investment becomes possible without initial investment while preserving borrowing facility.
2. Improvement of financial indicators
Leasing allows for equalization of depreciation and some small and medium-sized enterprises can achieve off-balance sheet treatment.
3. Streamlining of administrative management
Administrative tasks related to asset ownership, such as movables comprehensive insurance coverage and fixed asset tax payment, can be outsourced.