Basic Policy
BOT Lease conducts balanced business activities in three aspects - environment, society, and governance - to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
In terms of the environment, we will contribute to a decarbonized society through the promotion of a circular society by efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, and sustainable finance such as renewable energy.
Recognizing that consideration for human rights and labor is an important issue, we strive to create a comfortable working environment for employees, respect diversity and inclusion, and conduct business activities accordingly.
We will also strive to strengthen corporate governance through the revitalization of the Board of Directors and timely and appropriate information disclosure, and thoroughly implement sound and transparent management.
We aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through the practice of these basic policies and co-creation with our stakeholders.
Promotion System
Since fiscal 2021, we have established the "ESG/SDGs Steering Committee" to deliberate on sustainability management policies and necessary measures. We will also communicate our ESG/SDGs initiatives to stakeholders through our corporate website and other means.