Management Policy for Customer Protection

As a part of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, we consistently focus on the customer when providing all financial services and strive to satisfy customers and receive support from them based on our Group management vision.

1. Explanations, etc. to customers

  • We make efforts to provide easy-to-understand explanations in document form, etc. in order to ensure that customers sufficiently comprehend important matters.
  • We provide appropriate information to customers and do not solicit based on assertive determinations.
  • We recommend products that we consider to be appropriate for the customer in line with the knowledge, assets, intention of operation and financing and experience of the customer.
  • We make efforts to provide information by telephone or conduct visitations at a time that is convenient to the customer.

2. Customer inquiries, consultations, requests and complaints, etc.

  • We make efforts to appropriately respond to inquiries, consultations, requests and complaints, etc. from customers.
  • We take comments from customers seriously and strive to provide superior services.

3. Handling of information regarding customers

  • Customer information is handled under strict confidentiality.
  • We make efforts to prevent the unauthorized access, loss, falsification and leaking, etc. of customer information and implement appropriate safety control measures.
  • All our employees and executive personnel understand the importance of customer information and receive training to ensure appropriate handling.

4. Control of external sub-contractors

  • We appropriately and sufficiently manage sub-contractors based on our customer-focused orientation when outsourcing administrative duties and other work to outside companies in the provision of financial services.

5. Management of conflicts of interest

  • We conduct appropriate management in order to ensure that conflicts of interest do not adversely affect the profits of our customers.

BOT Lease Co., Ltd.