Global Businesses
1. What gives BOT Lease its global business strength?
- BOT Lease was established as a lease company affiliated with The Bank of Tokyo (currently MUFG Bank) which was known for its strength in the business of international finance. A pioneer among Japanese leasing companies due to its advance overseas, BOT Lease started to expand its business operations overseas from the early 1980s.
- Through many years of overseas business development, accumulation of business know-how, and providing steady service as a result of human resource development in each country, BOT Lease has become a trusted leasing company in each country it conducts business.
- BOT Lease expands its business overseas from a global perspective, including ways regional companies look at business.
- Existence of business partners, including business alliances both in Japan and overseas.
- Together with its customers, BOT Lease seeks possibilities to provide financial services even in countries which it is not located.