Human Rights

Human Rights Policy Statement

1. Commitment to Respect Human Rights

BOT Lease Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BOTL) recognizes respect for human rights as an important issue to be addressed in the management of our business for the realization of our Purpose of "Committed to empowering a brighter future." defined under the MUFG Way. We are committed to endeavor to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights across all of our operations.

2. Human Rights Principles

BOTL is guided by the following international principles for human rights:

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (International Labour Organization (ILO))
  • Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

In addition, BOTL supports and promotes the international initiatives.
While national governments are primarily responsible for protecting the human rights of their citizens, BOTL supports and respects internationally reco gnized human rights standards, regardless of whether the national legislation of the relevant country contains such protections or not.
In countries where local legislation conflicts with internationally recognized human rights standards, BOTL seeks to respect international standards.

3. Positioning of the Human Rights Policy Statement

Under the "MUFG Way", which articulates the values that guide all we do, "Committed to empowering a brighter future." is our Purpose set forth, and we are working to provide solutions for our respective customers, the society, and all other stakeholders.With this Human Rights Policy Statement, which is approved by the Board of Directors, we pledge to respect human rights throughout our business activities on the basis of the "MUFG Group Code of Conduct" under the MUFG Way.

4. Applicability & Scope

In compliance with this BOTL Human Rights Policy Statement, executives and employees of each group company strive to respect human rights.
Additionally, BOTL urges clients and suppliers of each group company to respect human rights. BOTL also works to respond in an appropriate manner to known cases of human rights violation by our clients or suppliers.

5. Executives and Employees

BOTL is committed to eliminating all kinds of employment and workplace discrimination from our business operations. We will not tolerate any type of human rights violation including, but not limited to, discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, belief, religion, disabilities, family origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or health status as well as sexual, power and other types of harassment, forced labor, and child labor. All BOTL executives and employees are required to comply with this commitment. BOTL also respects the freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
In addition, each group company provides consultation or support services for human rights infringements in the workplace. We show no tolerance for human rights infringements and have established this system to prevent such incidents.
Human rights awareness-raising trainings are also provided for executives and employees at all levels of our business as part of BOTL's efforts to promote the correct understanding and appreciation of human rights issues among all executives and employees.

6. Clients

BOTL expects its clients to respect human rights and avoid any human rights violations. BOTL promotes the respect of human rights by responding in an appropriate manner in situations where our products and services are directly connected to violations of human rights and urging clients to implement the appropriate responses.

7. Suppliers

BOTL expects suppliers to respect human rights and avoid human rights violations. BOTL promotes the respect for human rights by responding in an appropriate manner to known cases where human rights are negatively affected by our suppliers.

8. Remedial Actions

In cases when executives or employees of each group company, or financial products or services provided by them, are confirmed as conducting or being involved in activities which adversely affects human rights, BOTL responds in an appropriate manner and implements remedial actions.

9. Governance and Management System

This BOTL Human Rights Policy Statement is approved by the Board of Directors. The need to update this BOTL Human Rights Policy Statement will be reviewed regularly and amendments will be made as necessary.
Our human rights-related initiatives will be regularly deliberated at the ESG/SDGs Promotion Committee, the outcomes of which will be reported to the Board of Directors.
We will make every effort to ensure transparency by disclosing our human rights-related activities appropriately and proactively.

10. Stakeholder Engagement

BOTL is committed to progressing and improving actions to ensure human rights are respected through dialog and consultations on our Human Rights Policy Statement with relevant stakeholders.

BOT Lease Co., Ltd.

Human Rights Due Diligence

Based on "Human Rights Policy Statement", BOTL idetifies negative impacts on human rights, and tries to prevent or reduce them using the "Checklist of environmental and social risks for new credit transaction".

Grievance Mechanism of MUFG/Remedy for Human Rights Violations

In 2023, MUFG had joined in Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER). JaCER is an organization that receives reports of grievances related to human rights through the "Engagement and Remedy Platform" and aims to act in a professional capacity to support and promote remediation of grievances by member companies. Please check the MUFG's website for more details.