Basic Policy for the Prevention of Money Laundering

BOT Lease Group strongly recognizes the importance of preventing money laundering and terrorist financing (hereinafter referred to as "money laundering, etc."). We shall establish the following basic policy, and address to prevent money laundering, etc.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations

We will comply with laws and regulations related to the prevention of money laundering, etc.

2. Organizational system

The Board of Directors will position the establishment of a system to prevent money laundering, etc. as an important management issue and will proactively and aggressively take measures to prevent money laundering. In addition, the officer and supervising division responsible for measures to prevent money laundering, etc. shall be appointed and a unified management system to respond accordingly shall be established.

3. Verification at the time of transactions

We will conduct the timely and appropriate verification at the time of transactions.

4. Management policy for customers

Based on the concept of a risk-based approach, we will identify and evaluate the risks related to money laundering and other issues that the Company is facing, and implement appropriate customer management in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with the risks.

5. Notification of suspicious transactions

We will pay attention to the status of customer transactions at all times, and promptly notify any suspicious transactions detected to the authorities in accordance with laws and regulations.

6. Response to economic sanctions

We will respond to transactions with domestic and overseas parties subject to sanctions in a timely and appropriate manner.

7. Training for the officers and employees

We will provide training on an ongoing basis so that the officers and employees can deepen their knowledge and understanding of money laundering prevention and take appropriate measures at all times.

8. Verification of compliance status

In order to ensure appropriate management of the prevention of money laundering, etc., we will periodically conduct internal audits to improve the internal system.

BOT Lease Co., Ltd.