BOT Lease is undertaking various initiatives aimed at environmental consideration and the realization of a sustainable society.
We will continue to take on new challenges for global environmental conservation to pass on a rich planet to future generations.
Case Study 1 - Creating the Future through Investment in Renewable Energy
We are investing in environmental-related funds aimed at realizing a decarbonized society.
We aim to expand the spread of renewable energy, including the development of solar power plants, non-FIT projects such as corporate PPAs, wind power generation, and storage battery projects.
We will support corporate activities with a view to the next generation and contribute to the creation of a sustainable future.
Case Study 2 - International Environmental Contribution through JCM Eco-Lease
We are handling the first JCM Eco-Lease project in Mexico, utilizing the "Equipment Subsidy Project (JCM Eco-Lease Project) among the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Financial Support Project."
As a Japanese leasing company based in Mexico, we contribute to GHG reduction in the country and also contribute to solving environmental and social issues, including responding to climate change, at our Group's overseas bases.
Case Study 3 - Promoting Decarbonization through Subsidy-Utilizing Leases
We provide leases that utilize subsidies and grants.
By supporting the application procedures for various subsidies and grants as a representative applicant or joint applicant, we reduce the administrative burden on our customers. We strive to support our customers' decarbonization and growth, not just limiting ourselves to equipment investment financing through leases.
Case Study 4 - Providing Sustainable Living Environments with ZEH Rental Apartments
We are making silent partnership investments in ZEH (Zero Energy House) rental apartment development funds. We will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society by promoting the spread of buildings with low environmental impact.
Case Study 5 - Investment and Financing for Startup Companies
We are investing in and financing startup companies with innovative technologies aimed at solving environmental and social issues. We will help to resolve environmental and social issues by assisting technology development through investment and providing financial support for the sales development of high value-added solutions.