BOT Finance's major shareholder is BOT Lease Co, Ltd, a Japanese finance company as a member of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and AJB Bumiputera 1912, a major Indonesian life insurance company.
PT BOT Finance Indonesia (BOT Finance) is a joint venture company established in 1982 based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 463/KMK.013/1992 dated May 13, 1992 which was established based on Deed of Establishment No. 111 dated September 10, 1982 made and signed by Notary Kartini Muljadi SH and has obtained Approval from the Minister of Justice No. C2-26 HT.01.01.TH.83 dated January 4, 1983. BOT Finance is a member of the Indonesia Financial Services Association (APPI) and BOT Finance is a registered company and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
The major shareholders of BOT Finance are BOT Lease Co., Ltd, a Japanese finance company as a member of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and AJB Bumiputera 1912, a major life insurance company in Indonesia. In business for more than 30 years, BOT Finance is one of the oldest Japanese leasing companies in Indonesia. As of December 2023, BOT Finance has 124 employees and 2 (two) Branch Offices in Bandung and Surabaya.
In November 2015, BOT Finance expanded its business activities and objectives into Investment Financing, Working Capital Financing, Multipurpose Financing and other financing activities based on OJK approval based on OJK Regulation Number 29/POJK.05/2014 which has been amended to OJK Regulation Number 35/POJK.05/2018 concerning the Implementation of the Financing Company Business.
Since 2013, BOT Finance changed its business from retail to corporate financing. The type of facilities also changed from multipurpose financing with installments to a company that mainly provides investment financing with Finance Lease and Sale and Leaseback. Most of our financing units are heavy equipment, machinery and vehicles.
On 1st July 2024, BOT Finance changed its company name from previously PT Bumiputera-BOT Finance to PT BOT Finance Indonesia.
We are a member of the Indonesia Financial Services Association. See Read more
BOT Finance demonstrate its
expertise and mobility on a worldwide scale,
and maximize its corporate value by providing high-quality financial services.
conduct business in accordance with applicable
laws and adhere to integrity by prioritizing the best service to customers and the community.
BOT Finance continues to be committed to creating value for our shareholders.
BOT Finance has 4 board of directors who make decisions for the sustainability of the company.
President Director
President Commissioner
Vice President Commissioner
Independent Commissioner