Corporate History

1979.10 BOT Lease Co., Ltd., was established with The Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. (now MUFG Bank, Ltd.) as the parent company
1979.11 Established Hong Kong overseas subsidiary, BOT LEASE (HONG KONG) COMPANY LIMITED (Transferred of all equity interest in September,2020)
1980.4 Opened Osaka Sales Office (now Osaka Branch)
1981.9 Opened Nagoya Sales Office (now Chubu Business Division)
1982.8 Opened Fukuoka Sales Office (now Fukuoka Branch)
1982.9 Established Indonesian overseas subsidiary, PT. BUMIPUTERA-BOT LEASE (now PT BOT Finance Indonesia)
1983.2 Moved the Head Office to Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku
1985.7 Opened Sendai Sales Office (now Sendai Branch)
1988.3 Opened Hiroshima Branch
1990.1 Established Thai overseas subsidiary, Bangkok Tokyo Leasing Co., Ltd (now BOT Lease (Thailand) Co., Ltd.)
1993.4 Started SPC administrative services
1996.3 Established Philippine overseas subsidiary, BOT LEASE AND FINANCE PHILIPPINES,INC.
1997.5 Opened Sapporo Branch
2006.5 Moved the Head Office to Nihonbashi-honcho, Chuo-ku
2007.3 Established Russian overseas subsidiary, BOT Lease (Eurasia) LLC.
(now Komatsu BOTL Finance CIS, LLC)
2011.9 Established Chinese overseas subsidiary, BOT Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
2014.7 Established BOTL Factoring (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary of BOT Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
2015.11 Moved the Head Office to Nihonbashi 2-chome, Chuo-ku
2017.6 Established Mexican overseas subsidiary, BOT LEASE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.
2017.8 Established Mexican overseas subsidiary, BOT LEASE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.,SOFOM,E.N.R
2020.5 Transferred equity interest of BOT Lease (Eurasia) LLC. and established a joint venture, Komatsu BOTL Finance CIS, LLC
2022.3 Moved the Head Office to Shinkawa 2-chome, Chuo-ku
2022.6 Concluded Business and Capital Alliance Agreement among MUFG Bank, Ltd., the Norinchukin Bank and Tokyo Century Corporation.
2022.8 Established BOT Lease Business Innovation Co., Ltd.
2022.10 Implemented a third-party allotment of capital
2023.6 Established Chubu Business Division